Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Pick A Good Cognac

Cognac is technically a brandy or a spirit distilled from wine or other fermented juice. Cognac, however, is made exclusively in the Cognac region of France, and to connoisseurs, has a distinct flavor. Personal taste governs the selection of a good cognac. Follow these steps to pick a good cognac.


1. Pick several cognacs for tasting. All should be tasted, one at a time, in a tulip or balloon glass. Fill the glass one-fifth full. Warm the glass with the palms of the hand right before tasting to enhance the cognac flavor.

2. Hold the glass to the light to evaluate its color. Good cognac should have a clear, rich amber color.

3. Bring the nose to the glass and inhale the initial aroma. Then swirl the glass to release the full bouquet and smell again. Each cognac will present a different combination of floral, nut, fruit and spice scents.

4. Taste the cognac and roll it around the mouth to activate all the taste receptors: sweet, sour, bitter and salty. Swallow the cognac. A good cognac will leave a lingering, pleasant impression.

Tags: cognac will, good cognac