Thursday, June 16, 2011

What Is A Truffle Pig

Truffles are rare fungi considered a gourmet delicacy. Although related to mushrooms, they only grow underground. Truffles are primarily found in France, Italy, Spain and in the Pacific Northwest of the United States. Many truffle hunters in Europe use pigs to find these subterranean items.

Pig Advantages

Truffle hunters traditionally have utilized female pigs (sows) in their quest because they are naturally attracted to the musky aroma of truffles.

Pig Disadvantages

Pigs are less obedient than dogs and also enjoy eating the truffles. Pigs also are less mobile than dogs, a drawback because truffle hunting usually involves roaming large tracts of land.

Pig Talent

According to the Royal Philatelic Society London, French hunters of truffles have reported pigs can determine the presence of a truffle from 20 feet away.

Pig Training

Pigs must be trained not to eat the truffles, something easier to accomplish if the hunter rewards them with a bit of truffle now and then.

Fun Fact

As of 2008, truffles were selling for about $800 per pound. Hunters find that dealing with a stubborn truffle pig is well worth the effort.

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