Sunday, December 6, 2009

Calculate Calories In Mixed Drinks

Counting calories is a must, although it can be difficult when you're out having a drink. The best way to keep track of your calories is to limit yourself to specific drinks that you know the ingredients for. The key to calculating calories in mixed drinks is to understand the basic calorie count for both liquors and mixers.


1. Evaluate the calorie count of the liquor in your drink by understanding its proof, or alcohol content. A single 1 1/2 oz. serving of 80-proof whiskey, vodka, rum or gin contains approximately 97 calories, while 90-proof contains approximately 110 calories and 100-proof contains approximately 125 calories.

2. Realize that calorie counts of other liquors vary widely because of both proof and ingredients, such as sugar or dairy ingredients. A cordial can have as few as 20 calories per 1 1/2 oz. serving, while a sweet liquor, such as creme de menthe, can have nearly 200 calories per serving.

3. Ask the bartender how much liquor is in the drink you order as well as the proof. Some drinks, like a Long Island iced tea, are nearly all liquor, which increases the calorie count. More basic cocktails, like those mixed with tonic, soda or juice, may only have a single serving of liquor.

4. Consider the other ingredients. Fruit juice typically contains around 120 calories per 8 oz. serving. However, mixers can have even more, especially if they're loaded with sugar and dairy. Colas and other sodas have around 150 calories per 8 oz. serving. Tonic adds about 80 calories per 8 oz. serving, while club soda adds nothing to the calorie count.

5. Customize your drink if you want to cut calories or make the calorie count easier to determine. Replace mixers with pure fruit juice, reduce the amount of alcohol in your drink or opt for a squeeze of lemon or lime for additional flavor with no additional calories.

Tags: calorie count, calories serving, approximately calories, contains approximately, contains approximately calories, your drink, around calories