Friday, December 18, 2009

Types Of Nut Butter

Try a nut butter spread on toast and topped with fruit.

Nut butter is a condiment made from crushed or ground nuts. Nut butters are rich in essential fatty acids, protein and fiber. Certain nut butters are also a good source of calcium. Nut butters are spreadable, so they can easily be put on crackers, toast, fruits and vegetables.

Almond Butter

Almonds come from the almond tree, which is native to the Middle East and Southeast Asia. Almond butter is one of the few nut butters with a decent amount of calcium: it has 43 mg in every 1 tbsp. It is, however, high in calories and fat, with 101 calories and 9.5 g of fat per tablespoon. Almond butter has only 2.4 g of protein per serving, which is only about half the amount of some other nut butters.

Peanut Butter

Peanut butter is perhaps the most popular of the nut butters. It is made from dry-roasted peanuts, which are native to the Americas. Full-fat peanut butter has 95 calories 6 g of fat in every tablespoon; reduced-fat varieties have slightly less. It has very little calcium; however, peanut butter is among the highest in protein of the nut butters, at 4 g per tablespoon.

Cashew Butter

Cashew butter has one of the lowest levels of calories and fat of any nut butter: it has 93 calories and 8 g of fat per 1-tbsp. serving. Cashews come from a flowering plant native to Brazil. Cashew butter is low in calcium and protein, with just 7 mg of calcium and 2.8 g of protein per serving.

Hazelnut Butter

Hazelnut butter comes from the Hazel tree, which can be found in a variety of locales in the northern hemisphere. It is the lowest in protein of the nut butters, with just 2 g of protein per 1 tbsp. serving. It is among the highest in fat, with 9.5 g per serving, but has just 94 calories. The amount of calcium in hazelnut is negligible.

Tags: Almond butter, among highest, amount calcium, butter calories, butters with, calcium protein