Thursday, December 10, 2009

Can Salsa Using Fresh Tomatoes

Canning homemade salsa is a great introduction to do-it-youself food preservation.

Canning homemade fresh tomato salsa is delicious and free from industrial chemical additives, however it requires time and patience. Fresh tomato salsa has many uses: Eat it with tortilla chips, pour it over meat, or add it to your eggs for breakfast. This recipe makes 36-40 pints of homemade fresh tomato salsa.


Fresh Tomato Salsa

1. Wash tomatoes and blanch to remove the skin. Do this by boiling water and putting the tomatoes (in batches) into boiling water for 30 to 60 seconds. Remove and put into ice water, which will make the skin easy to peel off.

2. Chop all the ingredients, according to your liking, coarse or fine.

3. Combine all ingredients and heat in the stainless steel stockpot until they boil, then simmer on lower heat for 10 minutes.


4. Distribute the salsa among the jars, fill each jar until about an inch of head space remains. Put on the jar lid and screw it down with the band.

5. Fill the boiling water canner with enough water so that the water level is 2 inches above the tops of the jars (test this out beforehand, the filled jars should be placed in the canner once the water begins to boil).

6. Heat the water to a vigorous boil and place enough jars to fill the boiling water canner. Leave the jars in the canner for 15 minutes.

7. Remove the jars with tongs or a jar lifter and let cool for 12 to 24 hours. While the jars are cooling, do not disturb them. Keep them upright and don't tighten or loosen the lids. Additionally, do not put the jars on a cold surface or near a cold draft. If you are cooling the jars next to each other, keep them spaced one inch apart.

8. Label the jars and store in a cool dry place.

Tags: boiling water, tomato salsa, boiling water canner, Canning homemade, homemade fresh, homemade fresh tomato