Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Remove The Burnt Taste From Spaghetti Sauce

Even if you burned it, you can still serve it with a few fixes.

Spaghetti sauce can be delicious and smells like heaven when it's cooking a few hours on the stove. But sometimes the setting is forgotten and a simmering pot turns into a boiling one and the sauce is burned. The burnt flavor permeates through the rest of the sauce, leaving a taste of burned tomatoes and meat. And despite how long you've been waiting and salivating for that sauce, the burned taste just takes the perfect flavor away. Fortunately, there are a few ways to fix that.


1. Pour the sauce from the burned pot into another pot as soon as possible. When you first notice the smell of burning, just grab another pot and pour what you've been cooking into it and return it to the stove, turning it down or if you're serving soon, turn it off. This will reduce the burnt taste.

2. Add extra spices to the sauce. A crushed clove of garlic, or even dried Italian spice mix will help to mask the burnt taste.

3. Mix 1 tsp of peanut butter very well into the sauce and see what you think. There are many people who find this method foolproof and have used it to save sauces and soups and beans and many long-simmering but often burned one-pot dishes. Give it a try, you never know.

Tags: sauce burned