Friday, September 24, 2010

Keep Dessert Sauces Warm On Buffets

Keep dessert sauces warm in a fondue pot.

When serving dessert sauces on a buffet table, keep them consistently warm for optimum taste and texture. You can use a decorative fondue pot to keep the sauces warm and add color or interest to the buffet table. While fondue pots are traditionally used for dipping items, such as fruit and bread, they are ideal for keeping dessert sauces the correct temperature for several hours. There are three types of fondue pot heating sources: butane, alcohol and gel fuel, that work well for long-term warming.


1. Transfer the warm dessert sauce, such as caramel or chocolate, into the fondue pot. Cover the pot with its lid until it's time to serve the sauce.

2. Choose a fondue pot heating source according to the amount of time you'll need to keep the sauce warm; butane fuel can last up to nine hours, while alcohol and gel fuel will last up to 90 minutes.

3. Place the heating source under the pot and start it. Attach a butane canister to the fondue pot and light it with a match or lighter. Fill an alcohol unit with the appropriate amount of denatured or isopropyl alcohol and ignite the wick. Light pre-filled gel fuel tins with a lighter or match. Keep the heat low to avoid scorching rich dessert sauces.

4. Extinguish the flames on alcohol and gel units prior to refueling them. Don't move the fondue pot while the heating sources are ignited.

Tags: alcohol fuel, buffet table, dessert sauces, dessert sauces, fondue heating, heating source