Thursday, May 5, 2011

Keep Tomato Sauce Red When Canning

Preserve the rich red color of homemade tomato sauce with the right ingredients.

When you undertake the task of canning your own homemade tomato sauce, the last thing you want is to end up with a bunch of jars containing a dull, drab-colored product. Fortunately, you can take steps to preserve the vibrant red shade of your homemade concoction. Then, each time you open a jar, you'll see a sauce that looks as fresh and colorful as the day you canned it.


1. Pour 1 tbsp. of lemon juice in a pint jar and 2 tbsp. of lemon juice in a quart jar. Lemon juice helps to prevent your canned goods from spoiling and it also preserves their color and flavor.

2. Add 1/2 tsp. of salt to the lemon juice if you're canning the tomato sauce in pint jars. Add 1 tsp. of salt to the lemon juice if you're canning with quart jars. Salt adds flavor and preserves the color of your tomato sauce.

3. Stir the lemon juice and salt together with a spoon. Pour in the tomato sauce to reach between 1/2 and 1/4 inch from the top of the jar. Affix the lids and rings on the jars and process as directed.

Tags: lemon juice, tomato sauce, homemade tomato, homemade tomato sauce, juice canning, lemon juice canning