Thursday, May 13, 2010

What Is The Difference Between Whiskey & Scotch

Many people enjoy drinking a glass of scotch or whiskey. There are differences between these two drinks, and a main distinction is the origin of the alcohol. Understanding the differences allows you to further appreciate your drink.


Whiskey is distilled in Ireland and in the United States.

Alcohol made from grain and produced in Scotland is called "whisky," but if such alcohol is produced in the United States or Ireland, it is called "whiskey." A scotch must be produced in Scotland to be considered a traditional "scotch whisky."


A scotch begins as a whisky. The alcohol is produced and aged, in oak casks, in Scotland for a minimum of three years. After this process, the whisky is labeled a scotch. Some scotch is aged for 10 years or longer.


Not all scotch whisky is double-distilled.

Scotch whisky is usually double-distilled; however, Auchentoshan is a scotch whisky that is distilled three times. American whiskey is commonly referred to as bourbon, and is typically made with 51 percent corn.

Tags: scotch whisky, alcohol produced, produced Scotland, United States