Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Fix One Panel Of A Vinyl Fence

A vinyl fence is low maintenance since it doesn't rust as can happen with a fence made of steel. The vinyl is vulnerable to damage, however, and can be torn or scratched from the elements or vandalism. You can fix a panel of vinyl fence that has been damaged by replacing the vinyl. The needed supplies can be purchased from a hardware store. You'll also need a few common tools found around the house.


1. Cut out the panel on the vinyl fence that is damaged with the blade of a utility knife, using a straight edge. Place the vinyl sheet on a work surface. Place the cut vinyl panel on the vinyl sheet. Trace an outline around the cut vinyl panel on the vinyl sheet with a grease pencil. Dispose of the cut vinyl.

2. Measure 2 inches out from the outline on all sides. Draw an outline around the existing outline with the grease pencil using this measurement. Cut out the outline just drawn with the blade of a utility knife and a straight edge. Cut another panel of vinyl in the same manner as the one just made.

3. Pour the vinyl repair compound into a plastic bowl, add water and mix it with a wooden stir stick as per the instructions that are included. Apply the compound to the edge of a plastic spatula. Run the edge of the spatula against the sides, top and bottom of one side of one of the vinyl panels. Place the vinyl panel against the cut area of the fence. Press the sides of the vinyl panel against the fence.

4. Plug a heat gun's power cord into an extension cord and the plug from the extension cord into a wall outlet on the side of the house for power. Turn the heat gun on. Apply the hot air from the heat gun against the vinyl pattern to adhere the compound that is on the vinyl panel to the vinyl of the fence. Continue applying heat from the heat gun as per the instructions provided with the compound. Remove the heat gun and let the vinyl cool for the amount of time that is specified in the instructions.

5. Apply compound to the edge of the spatula. Run the edge of the spatula against the sides, top and bottom of one side of the other vinyl panel. Apply compound to the entire surface of the vinyl panel.

6. Place the side of the vinyl panel that has the compound on it against the vinyl panel from the other side of the fence. Apply heat from the heat gun for the amount of time specified in the instructions. Let the vinyl panel cool off for the amount of time specified in the instructions while you unplug the extension cord from the heat gun and from the AC outlet.

7. Spray the panels on both sides of the vinyl fence with vinyl cleaner. Wipe both sides with a soft cloth. Dry both sides with a dry soft cloth. Clean the rest of the fence in the same manner.

Tips Warnings

The vinyl purchased should be the same color and thickness as the original vinyl.